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Welcome to Sand Valley Pastures!

Located near Gadsden, Alabama

We would love to hear from you!  


About Us

At Sand Valley Pastures, we believe that the quality of food affects a persons quality of life. 

We believe there is a better way of farming, a way in which we can be good stewards of God’s creation. Our way is a process called regenerative agriculture. We are passionate about improving our land for future generations. Proverbs 13:22 states; “A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children”.

We utilize a rotational grazing program by planting warm and cool season annual and perennial forage. The diversity of the forage throughout the year improves the nutrient cycling between the soil, forage, and animal. By rotating the animals between paddocks, the animals are healthier, eliminating the need for chemical wormers, and the land is allowed a rest period. As the organic content of the soil improves, so does its water carrying capacity. This means more rain water and nutrients stay in the soil and not in our streams and rivers.

Healthy animals are a product of good genetics and healthy forage. At Sand Valley Pastures, we are passionate about selecting the best genetics in both our cattle and sheep. We also disease test our animals. Our mission is to provide the healthiest replacement animals for other farms and to provide the healthiest meats for our family and yours.

“Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks, and look well to thy herds; For riches are not forever, And doth the crown endure to every generation? The hay appeared, and the tender grass showeth itself, and herbs of the mountains are gathered. The lambs are for thy clothing, and the goats are the price of the field. And thous shalt have goats’ milk enough for thy food, for the food of thy household, and for the maintenance for thy maidens.” Proverbs 27: 23-27. 


Registered Katahdin Sheep

Our katahdin sheep are very good natured, calm and easy for us to handle.

Our sheep are moved to fresh grass every other day.  They are trained to respect a single strand of electric fence.  Our sheep are very easy to contain.  More importantly, they thrive on grass only.  No grain, ever. We don't deworm, we don't prop up our sheep in any way.  They deliver their lambs on pasture and stay on pasture. Our Katahdins have excellent mothering instincts and take very good care of their lambs. They have free choice access to sea90 salt, kelp and a kelp based mineral and clean fresh water.

Registered Dexter Cattle

The Dexter is a wonderful and easy keeping little cow.  Dexter beef is absolutely magical!  They are great for beef and can be used for dairy purposes. In our experience, the Dexter breed is docile, friendly, and easy to handle.  Our cows are parasite resistant. With our pasture management, our cows do not require chemicals for deworming.  We do not feed grain, and our cattle perform exceptionally well on grass. 


Miniature Jersey

The Miniature Jersey is a wonderful fit to our grass only system.  They are small little cows that maintain very well on grass while also producing lots of extra milk.

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